BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR: 2 for 1 spreadings with your tree purchase

Berkshires Blueberry Wilds

Landmark Red Maple #122

in a Featured Location
with 1 Spreading Right & 500 reforestation saplings


Starting at $413/mo
A robust double-trunk red maple stands tall, its sturdy form a testament to the resilience of nature. With twin trunks rising proudly, it commands attention and adds a touch of majesty to the woodland landscape, symbolizing strength and endurance in the face of time.
Rare find! Last tree like this
5 other people have saved this tree as a favorite
View from tree

Your price of $19,900 fully covers:
As part of your purchase, we’ll place 7% in a trust for the perpetual stewardship of the forest.
As part of your purchase, we’ll place 7% in a trust for the perpetual stewardship of the forest.
Your tree in a forest we are protecting.
Your tree in a forest we are protecting.
The exclusive right to spread ashes and place a memorial marker beneath your tree.
The exclusive right to spread ashes and place a memorial marker beneath your tree.
Right to purchase additional spreadings, now or in the future.
Right to purchase additional spreadings, now or in the future.
500 reforestation saplings planted in your honor.
500 reforestation saplings planted in your honor.
Access for you and your loved ones to the entire forest and Welcome House.
Access for you and your loved ones to the entire forest and Welcome House.

Full of personality and bright colors, this resilient tree is one of the first to flower in the spring, and its sap is used to make maple syrup.

  • Known for striking scarlet leaves, red flowers, fruit and twigs in the fall
  • Known as a supergeneralist species, it's the most adaptable of any North American species growing on the widest variety of sites and greatest range of conditions
  • Seeds are like tiny helicopters that spin as they fall to the ground each autumn
  • Usually one of the first trees to flower in the spring

  • Hike an easy path into lush forest – with meadow views and a historic barn a short walk away
  • See wild blueberries pop up in late spring, along with mushrooms, ferns and blooming laurels
  • Spot bustling wildlife like wild turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks and songbirds

An immersive wilderness experience, Blueberry Wilds is reachable through an easy hike down a wooded path, where mountain laurel thickets and a diverse swath of trees create a dense forest canopy. 

Wildlife abounds in this area of the forest. Wild turkey, squirrels, chipmunks and songbirds can all be spotted in this section.

Visiting the forest

We invite you to enjoy a personalized forest tour hosted by our Forest Guides. Bring your friends & family, meet your tree and our team, and experience the beauty of the forest you are helping to protect.

We are opening for visits by appointment on March 4th and we look forward to hosting you soon.