BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR: 2 for 1 spreadings with your tree purchase

Tree location

Tree location

First, choose a section of the forest that speaks to you.

Sunrise Trail

5 tree species
  • Stunning sunrises to the east
  • Beautiful birdsong with occasional owl calls in the evening
  • Convenient to our welcome space, but with a remote feel
3 Douglas Fir
21 Redwood
0 Tanoak
0 Redwood Stump
0 Madrone

Reflection Grove

5 tree species
  • The tranquil pond is the perfect place to pause and reflect
  • The heart of the forest, with peaceful immersion
  • A natural amphitheater of towering trees; including majestic redwoods
  • Filled with life and natural beauty
1 Redwood Stump
18 Redwood
0 Tanoak
0 Douglas Fir
0 Madrone

Madrone Ridge

6 tree species
  • Sits above Soquel Creek, protecting this vital ecosystem
  • Elevated sections feel peaceful and private
  • Features many mature madrone trees and a highly-limited number of Coastal live oaks
  • Partial mountaintop views from the main path
2 Douglas Fir
7 Madrone
23 Redwood
0 Tanoak
0 Coast Live Oak
0 Redwood Stump