BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR: 2 for 1 spreadings with your tree purchase

Tree location

Tree location

First, choose a section of the forest that speaks to you.

Laurel Highlands

14 tree species
1 Featured Location
  • Easily reach this area above protected wetlands – with a unique lookout platform amid the oaks
  • Relax on large boulders among ferns and laurels, near babbling sections of a seasonal creek
  • Spot varied wildlife like deer, rabbits, chipmunks, turkeys, and multiple species of birds

Revolutionary Wilds

21 tree species
  • Walk easy, wide trails for 15 minutes to reach this deep-forest area with a rich history
  • Pause at plentiful rock outcroppings between the trees to take in your surroundings
  • Meander along protected wetland, home to wildlife like deer, bears and chipmunks
1 Yellow Birch
1 Chestnut Oak
2 Sugar Maple
2 Shagbark Hickory
2 Paper Birch
11 Black Oak
12 Scarlet Oak
12 Black Birch
13 Pignut Hickory
14 Bitternut Hickory
14 Eastern White Pine
15 Red Maple
15 White Oak
18 Red Oak
0 Serviceberry
0 Striped Maple
0 Beech
0 Hemlock
0 American Chestnut
0 White Ash
0 Ironwood