BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR: 2 for 1 spreadings with your tree purchase

Lake Arrowhead Evergreen Gables

Monument Incense Cedar #147

with 1 Spreading Right & 200 reforestation saplings


$3,100 less than a traditional burial

Starting at $247/mo
Set back from the trail, this tree stands tall among its kindred spirits. With flat ground around it, this tree exudes an aura of protection, inviting you to immerse yourself in the embrace of nature.
View from tree

Your price of $11,900 fully covers:
As part of your purchase, we’ll place 7% in a trust for the perpetual stewardship of the forest.
As part of your purchase, we’ll place 7% in a trust for the perpetual stewardship of the forest.
Your tree in a forest we are protecting.
Your tree in a forest we are protecting.
The exclusive right to spread ashes and place a memorial marker beneath your tree.
The exclusive right to spread ashes and place a memorial marker beneath your tree.
Right to purchase additional spreadings, now or in the future.
Right to purchase additional spreadings, now or in the future.
200 reforestation saplings planted in your honor.
200 reforestation saplings planted in your honor.
Access for you and your loved ones to the entire forest and Welcome House.
Access for you and your loved ones to the entire forest and Welcome House.

This fragrant, elegant tree is known for its great height, straight trunk, and fern-like branches

  • Can reach heights of 200 feet
  • Pleasant fragrance - quintessential woody smell
  • Adaptable: can grow in many types of soil, sun or shade, and drought tolerant
  • Oils within the bark repel insects (why it’s a popular choice as a building wood)
  • Young trees have orange-brown bark that becomes deeply ridged and greyish with age
  • Can live to be 1,000 years old

  • Enjoy easy access to the Welcome Area and parking
  • Walk among a gorgeous mix of deciduous and evergreen trees
  • Spot local wildlife like deer, raccoons, coyotes, and bobcats

This is the most conveniently located section of the forest, with easy access to the Welcome Area and parking. 

The northern edge of this section runs parallel with the main road and can be seen by passersby making their way up the mountain. The trees here greet visitors as they enter the property and act as a natural barrier, protecting the rest of the forest from road noise. 

Mature trees in the southeastern pocket of this section are generously spaced, providing ample room for wildlife like deer, raccoons, coyotes, and bobcats to roam.

Visiting the forest

We invite you to enjoy a personalized forest tour hosted by our Forest Guides. Bring your friends & family, meet your tree and our team, and experience the beauty of the forest you are helping to protect.

We are open for visits by appointment and we look forward to hosting you soon.